Are you a fan of ice sculptures?  Me too!


This year marks the 43rd Winterlude in my hometown of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.  This is an incredible winter tradition that usually showcases an ice sculpture carving competition, live concerts, figure skater performances, Canadian winter traditions, and of course a steaming cup of hot chocolate and a Beavertail. With Covid-19, the celebration will look a bit different this year.


family Winterlude pictures

Ice Sculptures – The Main Winterlude Event


Typically, artists come from around the world to compete in the ice-carving competition, however, this year it will be a national competition where Canadians from across the country will compete.  They have 28 hours to transform 8 blocks of ice into am artwork on the theme of the joys of winter.  Residents and guests alike also take to the Rideau Canal Skateway, the longest ice rink you’ll see.




Ice Sculptures for Kids


To celebrate this Canadian tradition, I have been doing icy crafts and activities with my kids. We started by playing with ice cubes in the yard and making mini structures from Inukshuks to mini-igloos to art pieces and making snow people and slides.

To extend their interest in ice sculptures, I added some food dye to ice cubes.  Needless to say, the kids loved it!

green ice cube heartice towerice towers

ice cube messstacked ice cubes

water beads in ice

water beads in ice close up

Bringing The Outdoors In


After thinking of ways to bring Winterlude home for my children, I began thinking of ways that I could integrate it into my home. Inspiration came one night when I was burning a scented candle.  This little experiment started when I added water to my children’s sandwich container and added an extra container to make space for a tea light candle.


After a couple of hours in yard, my ice lantern centrepiece was done. I added some water beads (because KIDS!) to the serving dish holding the ice block, added the candle and placed the centrepieces on our dining room table.


Globe Ice Lanterns


Ever hear of a “shootie“?  Me neither!


After stumbling upon Wintercraft, I realized that anyone can design and build their own globe ice lantern. They are an absolutely beautiful work of natural art. Wintercraft has made it so easy with their wide assortment of globe ice lantern kits. I think they’d make a unique gift for someone wanting to try something new.  This is not sponsored – I just really, really like these!


Add a Little Magic with Mushroom Ice Sculptures


As for me, I think these magic mushroom lights made of ice are the absolute sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.  With a surfoam shaver and an Ikea bowl, you can easily recreate these magic little mushroom ice sculptures.  Just imagine the fairy tale stories and the creative writing that could be inspired by seeing these outside a window, make the waiting-to-freeze time bearable.


More Ice Activities


Now, do you have any other ideas on what to do with ice – in warm climates or cold?  Let me know in the comments below.



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