What kind of outdoor teacher are you?
Now that we are starting a new school year and you are potentially spending more time on the school yard teaching imaginative lessons and telling eloquent stories, have you been thinking about what kind of outdoor teacher you are?
I know, you’ve probably been busy thinking about valid things like safety, health, and planning. Keep it up!
Friend, I’m sending you the biggest hug you could imagine because it’s a tough time.
Also, I think there is a need to take our minds off the stresses in life right now and be entertained just for a quick minute, okay?

Outdoor Teacher Quiz
Hey Teachers! You can take this short quiz to help you determine what kind of teacher you think you might be. Do you think you know already??
The results might surprise you!
Also, this quiz might remind you how much fun it is to take quizzes. Just ask your students. (Insert eye roll here.)

Whether you are a newbie teacher or veteran master, we all have a different style for teaching both indoors and outdoors. Would you agree?
This quiz gives you a plant-based outdoor teacher type that relates to the characteristics of a plant.
Do you think you are a rose? Or are you too thorny?
Do you think you are poison ivy? I hope not!
I’m not going to lie. The results were surprising.
Find out your results
Now is your chance to find out what kind of outdoor teacher you are!

Just for Fun…during a Stressful Season
I’ll bet you’ve had it with this pandemic. Truth be told, so have I.
Even my lesson plans are infused with stress-reducing activities such as the one on Mindfulness in the Outdoor Classroom.
So, my youngest daughter just asked me if I could set up a playdate with two of her school friends when corona virus was over. Bless her five-year-old little heart.
Instead of being sad about the situation we were in and talking to her about it, I needed a distraction. To get my mind off the corona-virus-thinking-spiral, I knew I needed to do something helpful, or funny, or creative and so I made this quiz.

This silly quiz is meant to bring a little bit of light into a stressful season. My goal is to help teachers and parents alike bring learning outdoors and bring a little bit of the outdoors in. But also to cheer you up if I can!
In my free time I love to create and share resources for outdoor learning that are helpful with my own children and third-grade students and I hope that you are able to find something that is useful as well for you to use in your own teaching practice.
Anyway, there are many ways that people can reduce stress and this is how I am choosing to reduce a little bit of mine and maybe bring a smile to your face. Also, I might be trying to avoid a discussion on the permanence of COVID-19 and disappointed face of a cute five-year-old. Wish me luck in that department.
I hope you all enjoy the quiz….and hey, let me know what kind of outdoor teacher you are!