Engaged to Learn Conference 2021 is something that I am excited to share with you! This is something that Sabah of Fantastic Mrs. Primary has put together for upper educators all over the world.  So if you teach grades 3 to 6, there will surely be a workshop that fits your needs.  The Engaged to Learn Conference is an exclusively online conference that is FREE – yes, I said, FREE!  Keep reading to find out more.

engaged to learn poster

Upper Elementary Teacher Inspiration

After attending some, many, or all of the workshops, you will leave inspired to plan and teach with confidence and flair.  Isn’t that something we need after the most tumultuous teaching year yet?  Isn’t that something that our students need as well?  If you are a new teacher or a veteran teacher or a homeschool teacher, you will take away some of the most innovative teaching strategies and approaches to engage students.  You may learn a new strategy that you can implement in September, or you may decide to change things up a bit in your teaching style.  Either way, you will be able to learn from the expertise of over 17 presenters.

Conference poster

Alas, these presenters have done the hard work for you.  You’re welcome.  Stop scratching your head or scrolling Pinterest hoping for inspiration and dial it in.  These upper elementary teachers are sharing their best, tried, and tested strategies, for both virtual and in-person teaching, and are wanting to share with teachers all over the world – including YOU!

Wondering how to keep students engaged this year?

I mean, 2020-2021 was a gong show, was it not?  Let this new school year be a new beginning for you and for your students. Happy new year!  Maybe this will be the year to find strategies that get students excited. I’m talking really, really excited.  Have you tried project-based learning yet?  Sabah’s presentation at the conference is all about PBL and you will have some amazing takeaways from her workshop.

Perhaps you are wanting to sky-rocket your digital strategies for lessons, assessments, or classroom organization. Maybe you just want to stay ahead of the game?

How can you motivate students to do their best work?  Are socially distanced learning activities the best approach for our students?  How can improve their progress?  How can we bump up student learning and teacher success?

When you go into your classroom this fall, do you want to foster a creative and calm classroom environment?  I sure do.  (Although, I am not sure where to start though in all honesty. Being out of the classroom and teaching online is a different can of worms for sure.)


Engaged to Learn Conference is for YOU!


You are in the right place.  You are reading this after all which tells me that something has piqued your interest.  It’s serendipitous!

There are over 17 presenters at this learning conference. If you’d rather be kayaking or doing cannonballs in the pool – I get it. However, I would love for you to join the conference and watch my presentation on Outdoor Learning.  In this presentation, I speak about the benefits that outdoor learning offers, how to plan and organize your time outdoors with students, and give you tons of easy-to-do tips and tricks.  Be sure to print out the notes page so that you can keep track of all the goodies in the presentation.

Get comfortable

There’s always so much to do before the new school year starts. There may or may not be Covid protocols to learn on top of that.  Perhaps even more students in your class than before.  Don’t worry, friend.  Charge your device, get a drink, put your feet up and let us share the best practices that you can bring into the new year.


Meet the Conference Presenters


These awesome teachers are here to share their best tried and tested engagement strategies with you.

conference presenters



EngagED to Learn Registration Instructions

There are 2 ticket options for the Engaged to Learn Conference.  You will need to register HERE.

From July 23-26, you can attend the conference for free.  Yes – FREE!

Or, you can also get an “All-Access Pass”  where you can view the conference presentation for up to a year AND receive access to the bonus library.


Summer Learning

Luckily I know many teachers that are eager to continue learning even throughout the summer.  These are my people!

If you are someone that takes PD.

If you are someone who read a book for pleasure.

If you are someone who renovates your house.

If you are someone who has two extra summer jobs.

If you are someone who is hanging out with your pet.


All of you are my people, too. If the EngagED to Learn Conference doesn’t fit in your schedule, please consider sharing it with a teacher friend and help us spread the goodness around.  The more we share resources, resources, resources, the more we share resources the happier we will be.

If you are a teacher wanting to bring learning outdoors or bring the outdoors in, then you are in the right spot.  Whether you are learning about the Engaged to Learn Conference or reading blog posts on Outdoor Learning Hub, there is something for you to learn.  Check out the Quick Start Guide to Bringing the Outdoors In.




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